Monday, June 2, 2008

so... now that we're living up in the mountains im finding alot of different things in and around the house... some of which are really cool! others are really cool but i could definitly rest better with them staying outside...

i think im going to start a gallery of weird and dangerous shit that i find around casa de gorilla...

the list will probably get very lengthy at the rate im seeing/finding things

there are still 2 scorpions in a jar which i have yet to photograph... one i found climbing the adobe wall in my bedroom... the other was found hiding under the stereo...

i'll also add that i have no idea what alot of this stuff is other then being just bugs..... so if anyone has a clue please feel free to chime in... (click image to see it full-sized, all links open in new windows)

subject #1:
i found this enormous beetle capsized on the front porch doing the backstroke upside down.... he was actually high polish when i found him but i couldnt resist giving him a bath in the anodizer to brighten him up a bit..... im assuming that was his death dance because he's not an ornament on the window sil......


yeah i know i needed to clean my nails and cut them... its since been addressed...


subject #2:
i have absolutly no idea what this is... my best guess would be
an insanely well armored and even more constipated ant whoose abdomen is about to explode... it definitely got the WTF is that response from gorilla when it showed up on the porch early sunday morning....

first a size refrence photo...


now a picture of him as some sort of insectoid godzilla coming to destroy the house....


next is a snake of unknown species that i found under a board in the field... i think its some species of rear fanged catsnake but im not sure...i definitly plan to research this further... it was docile enough



1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm officially going to be lurking this blog. *add to favorites*

-Courtney "resilient"