Friday, January 20, 2012

Gorilla Glass/Anatometal Collabo

Our friend Matte Erickson needed something extra-special. He approached Gorilla Glass and Anatometal to come up with something unique.

We think this does the trick, no?

After the design was perfected  in glass, it was off to Anatometal to be set with precision into the infamous "Bling" eyelet design for stretched lobes and a lovely pendant to match.

If this piques your interest, piercers, remember there are 6 months til APP. There'll more where this came from! Have any ideas for an interesting custom piece? Give us a shout, lets see what else we can do!

 Custom Gemmed Eyelets and Pendant in ASTM F-138 stainless steel; synthetic sapphire, black zirconia, synthetic garnet gems/glass heart center. 

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